Hi, If I export this to html :
----------------------------------------------------------------------- #+TITLE: FOO #+macro: huge @@html:<h1>$1</h1>@@ #+macro: large @@html:<h2>$1</h2>@@ * Foo page {{{large([[http:test.html][FOO]])}}} ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I get : <p> <h2>[[http:test.html][FOO]]</h2> </p> The link is not honoured. Is there a way to achieve <p> <h2><a href="http:foo.html">FOO</a></h2> </p> instead ? (Probably already asked ?) Secondary questions : - is there a way to avoid the "spurious" <p> ? Sometimes, you may want to avoid <p> around paragraphs because there are already others tags. - exporting the org text above, I also get this : <div class="figure"> <p> </p> </div> in the midlle of the generated html. It seems to be the translation of the blank line between the heading and the text. Is there a way to avoid it? Thanks in advance, Fabrice