
flammable project <flammable.proj...@gmail.com> writes:

> I will spend some time on ox-md.el and the section listed by Nicolas.
> One last question:
> If I choose to extend the existing back-end, would I be able to put all the
> code into a external file and allow the user to load it through it emacs
> config file?

Yes.  Just make NAME.el and end the file by providing NAME (provide

> I mean, I would like to add a support of Twitter Bootstrap trough the
> ox-html.el export engine. If the user add "(require 'ox-html-bootstrap)"
> into its ".emacs" file, it will allow the user to extend the ox-html export
> engine.
> Does it seems possible?

Yeah, that's possible with the derived backend.  Indeed, that would
seem like on of the main usages.  In the simplest case you'd just add
an option to export dispatcher and people would have to select it when
they want to use twitter bootstrap (whatever that is. . .).


In theory, practice and theory are the same. In practice they are not

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