On Sep 4, 2013, at 9:06 AM, Vladimir Lomov <lomov...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> sometimes I need markup elements than missing in Org mode, for example
> combination of both bold and italic. Some backends, for instance html
> and latex (with minor exception) support such combinations. So I wonder
> 1) how to define custom or new markup elements that can be used in
>   backends, if it is possible
> 2) and how to extend or customize (write a custom backend) to take into
>   accout these new elements.

Hi Vladimir,

Org mode does not support this directly (and to be honest, I know very few 
where combining different attributes makes a lot of sense).

You could probably play with org-emphasis-alist and org-latex-text-markup-alist 
to cook something up.
but first I would think very hard about the question if this is really needed 
and does not create too much visual clutter.


- Carsten

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