Hi, I think detangle is a must for collaborative work.

I think I have read the instructions correctly, yet I can't seem to
get it to work. Here is a minimal test:

Org file named test.org:
#+PROPERTY: comments link
* Some source
#+begin_src clojure :tangle yes
  (defn hello [] (println "hello"))

This produces the following file named test.clj upon tangling:

;; [[file:~/test.org::*Some%20source][Some\ source:1]]

(defn hello [] (println "hello"))

;; Some\ source:1 ends here

When I add a line to the file:
(def x 1)

 and save, then do M-x org-babel-detangle, it says:
Detangled 0 code blocks

Is there something I'm missing?


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