I sense a design flaw.  Fix it rather than "escape" it.

Jambunathan K <kjambunat...@gmail.com> writes:

> If Org links are escaped by Org will the URLs be functional outside of
> Org?
> i.e., If I am on some machine, that has no Emacs or Org or if I am using
> a version of Org that uses "new unescape" algorithm but the original
> link was encoded with the "old escape" algorithm, will Copy-pasting the
> link to a browser still work.
> If Org is a MUST to unescape the link then it would be a good decision
> to re-look at the link syntax so that the questions of escape and
> un-escape is dealt with squarely and have no reasons to arise in future.
> [1] IIRC, escaping doesn't happen if URL is copy-pasted but only if it
> is "inserted".  i.e., escaping much depends on the workflow of the user
> and the workflow of a user could much depend on his whims and fancies
> and day of the week and seasons of the year.
> Just a cent from a Org user.

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