At Sun, 28 Jul 2013 14:06:54 +0530,
Jambunathan K wrote:
> If Org links are escaped by Org will the URLs be functional outside of
> Org?
> i.e., If I am on some machine, that has no Emacs or Org or if I am using
> a version of Org that uses "new unescape" algorithm but the original
> link was encoded with the "old escape" algorithm, will Copy-pasting the
> link to a browser still work.

I think this is a good point or rather two good points: One is BC. If
we change the escaping algorithm we still have to deal with possibly
tons of old-style-links in user files. 

The other one is that leaving the edge cases aside it is possible to
just copy a link and paste it into the target application -- a percent
sign signifies percent encoding and the target application knows what
to do.

> If Org is a MUST to unescape the link then it would be a good decision
> to re-look at the link syntax so that the questions of escape and
> un-escape is dealt with squarely and have no reasons to arise in future.

I'm not sure if it is worth the effort but, in theory, we could do
define our own URI schema `org' that disallows square brackets. If a
link is created programmatically (org-store-link et al.) we do not
store the URI as-is but as an "Orgmode-Link": Escape the square
brackets and prefix the link with `org:'. If we open a link we check
for the `org:'-prefix, reverse the escaping and handle the link to the
registered module. If the prefix is absent we skip the unescaping

  -- David
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