Hi, Achim

  Thanks for your suggestion.

  Yes, a wrapper script will also work. I will use such a script if Org
doesn't consider the Cygwin issue.


2013/7/16 Achim Gratz <strom...@nexgo.de>

> Yujie Wen writes:
> > Could someone please take a look and, if it is satisfactory, please
> > help to apply it?
> You're missing a Changelog and emacs-p might better be called cygwin-p.
> More to the point: I don't think Org should care about such system
> idiosyncrasies at all.  Instead you might use a wrapper script for
> Cygwin that converts the arguments and then calls the native Windows
> java executable.
> > I am used to Orgmode under Cygwin and sometimes uses ditaa for drawing
> > diagrams. But without this patch, I have to switch to Windows native
> > Emacs for calling ditaa.
> If there's anything to do on the Org side then removing the still
> hardcoded call of "java".
> Regards,
> Achim.
> --
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