So here we are,

The package provided in (X)ubuntu 13.4 is this one : "GNU Emacs 24.2.1
(i686-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.6.4) of 2013-04-09 on komainu, modified
by Debian".

I tried "C-h f url-encode-url RET" but wihout the expected results.

I tried to find something with google and I seems that the version of Emacs
must greater than 24.2.1.
I used the PAA for Damien CASSOU, install Emacs 24.3.1. The command
'url-encode-url' was listed in.

I tried both org-rss-export-as/to-rss and it worked. I also tested the
 org-publish-project-alist approach with success.

So my problem comes from the Emacs version. Thanks for your help!

2013/7/11 Bastien <>

> flammable project <> writes:
> > Any ideas?
> Can you check if you have `url-encode-url'?
> C-h f url-encode-url RET
> will tell you.  It is an autoloaded function, so you
> don't need to (require 'url-util), but if you can browse
> your Emacs sources, it should be in there.
> HTT,
> --
>  Bastien

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