Hi, Robert --

would you mind posting an example of the org file, too?  It would be
easier for me to wrap my thoughts about this..  (The gurus probably
don't it...)

Sure. (I should have included it earlier; I was worried that my message was already too long.) Here's one that worked with the old exporter. (Note that I had to leave many of the actual header lines blank -- or, rather, with only an empty space.)


--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
#+LaTeX_CLASS: exam
#+LATEX_HEADER: \extrawidth{.5in}
#+LATEX_HEADER: \extraheadheight[.3in]{-.75in}
#+LATEX_HEADER: \extrafootheight{-.25in}
#+LATEX_HEADER: \raggedright
#+LaTeX: \renewcommand\thequestion{\Roman{question}}
#+LaTeX: \renewcommand\thepartno{\arabic{partno}}
#+LaTeX: \renewcommand\partlabel{\thepartno.}
#+OPTIONS: toc:nil num:y timestamp:nil creator:nil H:4
#+LaTeX: \firstpageheader{Name:\enspace\makebox[3in]{\hrulefill}\\Exam 1\\}{}{Theo 001 -- Rakestraw\\February 14, 2013\\}
#+LaTeX: \begin{coverpages}
this is just some text
#+LaTeX: \end{coverpages}

* Meaningless header
*Identification of Terms*. Identify/define and give the significance
of *six* of the following. If you identify/define more than six
without indicating clearly which six you want me to grade, I will
grade your first six answers (18 points).
*** Terms
term 1
#+LaTeX: \vspace*{\fill}
term 2
#+LaTeX: \vspace*{\fill}
term 3
#+LaTeX: \vspace*{\fill}
term 4
#+LaTeX: \vspace*{\fill}
term 5
#+LaTeX: \vspace*{\fill}
term 6
#+LaTeX: \vspace*{\fill}
term 7
#+LaTeX: \vspace*{\fill}
term 8
#+LaTeX: \vspace*{\fill}
term 9
#+LaTeX: \newpage
#+LaTeX: \fillwithdottedlines{\fill}
#+LaTeX: \newpage

*Short Answer*. Answer *two* of the following in a paragraph. If you
attempt to answer more than two without indicating clearly which two you
intend me to grade I will grade your first two answers (36 points).
*** Questions
Question one goes on for more than one line. (I mention that because I want to
be clear that I can't put a question in a heading.)

#+LaTeX: \fillwithdottedlines{\fill}

Question 2 goes here.
#+LaTeX: \fillwithdottedlines{\fill}

#+LaTeX: \newpage
#+LaTeX: \fillwithdottedlines{\fill}
#+LaTeX: \newpage

Question 3 goes here.
#+LaTeX: \fillwithdottedlines{\fill}

Question 4 goes here.
#+LaTeX: \fillwithdottedlines{\fill}

#+LaTeX: \newpage
#+LaTeX: \fillwithdottedlines{\fill}
#+LaTeX: \newpage

*Essay Question*. Answer *one* of the following as fully as you are able. If you attempt to answer more than one without indicating clearly which one
you intend me to grade I will grade your first answer (40 points).
*** Questions

here's the first essay question.
here's the second essay question.
#+LaTeX: \fillwithdottedlines{\fill}

#+LaTeX: \newpage
#+LaTeX: \fillwithdottedlines{\fill}
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

John Rakestraw

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