Some examples

Example 1:

* test [20%]

    ** DONE 1
    ** TODO 2
    ** TODO 3
    ** TODO 4
    ** TODO 5
        *** TODO 1
        *** TODO 2
        *** DONE 3
        *** DONE 4
        *** DONE 5

(The tasks complete percent should be [32%], instead of [20%], seems Org-mode
does not count the completed *sub-tasks*.)

Example 2:

* Tasks [0%]

- [-] Tasks
  - [-] task 1
    - [ ] task 1.1
    - [X] task 1.2
  - [ ] tasks 2

(The tasks complete percent should be [25%], instead of [0%], seems Org-mode
does not count the completed *sub-tasks*.)

I hope Org-mode can improve this.

s e l o h
c t t n i
p a   t f
a     r t
e     o

[ stardiviner ] ^^&^^ {I hate all of you !  Leave me alone}
IRC(freenode): stardiviner     \\ Twitter:  @numbchild \\
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