ras...@gmx.us writes:

> Alan Schmitt <alan.schm...@polytechnique.org> writes:
>>> Alan, how about a short how-to on Worg about Unison and Org-mode
>>> methods?
>> Well, what would be there? If there is (and there may be) an external
>> tool that knows how to merge org files (it can be a 3-way merge, if it
>> makes things simpler), I could try to devise the magical incantation to
>> use it.
> There's the GSOC project from last year:
>      http://orgmode.org/cgit.cgi/org-merge-driver.git
> Whether it is complete or abandoned I don't know.  Here's the Worg
> page
> http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/gsoc2012/student-projects/git-merge-tool/index.html

This looks nice. Has anyone tried it?

If someone can show me how to launch ediff from the command line, I can
explain how to set up Unison for it (I found this old question
but I find the busy waiting very ugly; maybe there is a better


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