Eric Schulte writes: >> #+BEGIN_SRC gnuplot :file test.eps >> reset > ^ > WRT |, I've also added the *org-babel-gnuplot-prefix* variable, which > may be set to e.g., "reset" to reset the gnuplot process between code > blocks.
We have recently introduced similar functionality in ob-perl and it probably deserves a more general treatment and easier customization. Doing these things with defcustoms or defvars should be shunned, since it makes Org files using these options inherently unportable and non-self-contained. For the functionality that is implemented here, I'd think two new general header arguments are appropriate, namely :prolog and :epilog, which should take the name of a source block (same language), a literal string in quotes, the result of an inline call of another source block and inline elisp (the result of execution must be in the appropriate syntax) as an argument. We might need some friendlier way than elisp if we want to use URL (esp. file:…) in the same capacity. For session execution there may be a need to distibguish between the session start, subsequent invocations and perhaps closing of the session (we don't have that at the moment, I think). Regards, Achim. -- +<[Q+ Matrix-12 WAVE#46+305 Neuron microQkb Andromeda XTk Blofeld]>+ Factory and User Sound Singles for Waldorf rackAttack: