Chao Lu writes:
> I followed the instruction, successfully compiled org 8.0.3 and put
> all the *.elc file into my load-path.

We don't know which instructions you followed and consequentyl what you

> Here is the first confusion:
> Before I was using (require 'org-install) to get org code evaluated.
> Seems org-install is obsolete now, then what should I put in my .emacs
> to get org loaded?

(require 'org) ;; alternatively: (require 'org-loaddefs)

> Although I do know why, but seems my old settings get org(8.0.3)
> loaded, i.e. M-x org-version gives 8.0.3.

Please give the full string from this command.

> But when I try ffap on (require 'org-publish) seems emacs wants to
> jump to
> "/Applications/Documents/
> el.gz", which is the old org version shipped with Emacs itself.

Try `M-x locate-library´ instead.  If this also finds the old Org files,
then most likely you didn't set load-path correctly.

Also, do `M-x org-reload´ and check *Messages* for any warnings
regarding the location of the loaded files.  You may have some parts of
Org loaded before you switch the load-path.

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