Thorsten Jolitz <tjolitz <at>> writes: > > Hi List, > > it is now possible to convert existing Org-mode files with source-blocks into > machine-executable source-code files, using the following function from > `outorg.el': > > #+begin_src emacs-lisp > (defun outorg-convert-org-file-to-source-code > (&optional mode infile outfile BATCH)
With this buffer ,---- | | | * head1 | | abc | | | #+NAME: test-src | #+BEGIN_SRC R | ls() | #+END_SRC `---- it fails with Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-variable outorg-code-buffer-beg-of-subtree-marker) (set-marker outorg-code-buffer-beg-of-subtree-marker nil) outorg-reset-global-vars() outorg-copy-edits-and-exit() ... in the backtrace. The tmp buffer looks right, though ,---- | | | ## * head1 | | ## abc | | | ## #+NAME: test-src | ls() `---- HTH, Chuck