Hi, Following the recent trend on the list, although this is not a question about BibTeX as such, nor about the syntax to use for references within the text, but rather about how to integrate references in an Org file to be easily exportable. For now, a central database is not part of the question, copy-and-paste is ok. The target would be mainly HTML and TeX export. Here is a sketch:
For HTML: \cite{ABC09} would be mapped to a link to the bibliography, something like <a href="#ABC09">[ABC09]</a> (regardless of whether there is such a reference). The bibliography itself would be part of the HTML page, typically like footnotes right at the end, with some structure kept (but styling would be done by ad-hoc CSS so nothing much needed here). For TeX: AMSRefs sounds good because it makes the .tex file self-contained. \cite{ABC09} kept as it is, and the bibliography would be a \begin{bibdiv}/\end{bibdiv} generated from the .org file. The main question is: what would be a convenient way to store the references in the .org file, to allow for easy editing and exporting ? Idea 1: A new block type #+begin_biblio containing the data in whatever form (but amsrefs makes sense, easily parsable for html export and nothing to be done for tex export). While we're at it, maybe also #+begin_bibentry if it helps cross-backend support. Idea 2: #+begin_src amsrefs, and leverage babel for the output. But I'm not sure if babel can act differently according to the export backend being used? Idea 3: A heading with tag :biblio:, which would be treated as a special case at some point in the export, and containing one sub-heading per bib entry, with properties storing the database like in org-bibtex (and possibly unexported contents for notes). This gives access to structure manipulation, refile, column view ... which would be awesome, but I'm not sure how it would fit the export framework. Which one would be best? Which one would be easiest to implement? I'm willing to try a bit of coding, but the first step is the hardest ... Cheers, /vincent -- Vincent Beffara