Eric S Fraga <> writes:

> Luke Crook <> writes:
>> I just noticed that the List of Figures is not being generated in 8.0.3.
>> I have a figure with;
>> #+LATEX: \listoffigures
>> #+ATTR_LaTeX: width=5.5cm
> Maybe try with
> #+attr_latex: :width 5.5cm
> The format for attributes has changed in version 8 of org.

Although this might lead to a problem in how the figure appears on the
page, I believe the main problem was that there was no caption
associated with the image, so it was not put in a figure environment, it
was just inlined: inline images do not contribute to the list of

As Rasmus pointed out, #+caption was incorrectly associated with the
code block, rather than with the resulting image. The trick is to name
the code block and its results block, using the same name: that ties
them together, so that further execution of the code block does not
produce a new results block. Then you attach #+caption to the results

| #+name: foo
| #+begin_src ...
| ...
| #+end_src
| #+caption: bar
| #+results: foo
| ....

It used to be that the naming was mandatory: the intervening #+caption
line would cause babel to produce a new results block. ISTR that Nicolas
fixed it so that the naming is no longer necessary and babel will DTRT -
IOW, the following will work:

| #+begin_src
| ...
| #+end_src
| #+caption: bar
| #+results:

I just checked btw, and it does work.

Org-mode version 8.0.3 (release_8.0.3-197-g221768 @ 

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