Oops, sent incomplete.

On 4 June 2013 14:19, Jonathan Leech-Pepin
<jonathan.leechpe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> Rasmus writes:
>> Robert Goldman <rpgold...@sift.info> writes:
>>> 1.  The original org-insert-export-options-template always inserted the
>>> template at the top of the file.  The new one inserts at point.  Since
>>> the options need to be at the top of the file, would there be any
>>> objection to making the new template inserter behave the same way?
>> I can't reproduce your claim on Org v8.03.
>> For instance this works great with html and LaTeX.
>> #+BEGIN_SRC org
>> * TODO my topic
>> this is my documents with garbage in the bottom
>> * hide the boring stuff          :noexport:
>> #+TITLE: my boring title
>> #+AUTHOR: my boring name
>> #+DATE: Another day at the office
>> #+OPTIONS: toc:nil todo:nil
>> #+END_SRC
> I don't remember this being the case in previous versions either, I
> usually had something along the lines of
,* Configuration                                     :ARCHIVE:
,#+AUTHOR: me

as the last headline in my file.

>>> 2.  Users can directly issue this command using M-x
>>> org-export-insert-default-template, since it's tagged as (interactive).
>>>  Since this is possible, wouldn't it make sense to have the function
>>> query for the BACKEND argument when invoked interactively?
>> Use the export dispatcher.  C-e # or C-e l # (for LaTeX).
>> –Rasmus

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