Hi Sabre Wolfy,

> <rant>
> Please can someone point me to instructions to install Org 8? I've
> downloaded the tar.gz file and searched and tried several sets of
> instructions. The 'build instructions' are no help. Neither are the ELPA
> instructions. I'm on Kubuntu 13.04. The default org-mode is 7.9.something.
> I've purged that. I've done make and make install all and sudo make install
> all. I'm not interested in installing and learning git.

You can download a tarball of the latest version via cgit on the
Org-side.  I think there's even a link on the front page.  For a set
of instructions different from the official documentation see for
instance this PKGBUILD


Also, check org-version.  Mine says:
Org-mode version 8.0.3 (release_8.0.3-183-gca9937 @ 

> The reason I want to try 8 is that the instructions here:
> http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/babel/languages/ob-doc-R.html
> about including output from R in ORG format to make nice HTML tables is not
> working. I get a "BEGIN_SRC org" instead of "BEGIN_ORG" or something. I
> thought it would be best to trouble-shoot this using the latest Org.
> </rant>

BEGIN_SRC org would seem OK, no?  My emacs -q won't even recognize
BEGIN_ORG. . .  I think it's an old syntax, but I could be wrong.

Here's an example for doing an R table.

#+NAME: R-tbl
#+BEGIN_SRC R :exports results :rownames yes :colnames yes
 a <- runif(100)
 c <- "Quantiles of 100 random numbers"
 b <- data.frame(quantile(a))
 colnames(b) <- "my quantiles"

Click C-c C-c on the code and you will get table [[tbl]].

#+NAME: tbl
#+CAPTION: my table
#+RESULTS: R-tbl
|      | my quantiles |
|   0% |        0.017 |
|  25% |        0.196 |
|  50% |        0.378 |
|  75% |        0.659 |
| 100% |        0.988 |

Which outputs this html that looks like this.


Finding an option to add numbers to your table captions is left to

Oh, and feel free to update the Worg side given your new-gained


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