Hello Rasmus,

Rasmus wrote:
>>>>> 1.  As far as I remember, if more than one language is loaded the
>>>>> order is not neutral one one should issue a \selectlanguage{LANG}.
>>>> If there are multiple languages, the main language is the latest loaded; 
>>>> that
>>>> is `english' in the following example:
>>>>     \RequirePackage[frenchb,english]{babel}
>>> So if a #+LANGUAGE: LANG cookie is present I guess it should be loaded
>>> last.  Or a \selectlanguage{LANG} should be issued.
>>> Non-rigorous testing suggests that it will do the former now on master
>>> and thus presumably also in the patch.
>> AFAICT, this is so since a while. Nicolas implemented the above described
>> behavior months ago...
>> See http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/2012-06/msg00387.html.
>> Doesn't that work for you already in Org core as it is?
> I'm sorry, I guess the changelog is too sparse or too unclear.  Let me
> try to annotate it.
> ** Goal: make  bable work similar to inputenc (and try to be less 'smart') ** 
>> * ox-latex.el (org-latex-guess-babel-language): ignore AUTO
>> if argument.
> I can now add ("AUTO" "babel" t) to
> org-latex-default-packages-alist—you'll recognize this syntax from
> inputenc (see org-latex-default-packages-alist).
> This means allows me to load babel every time I export a LaTeX
> document.  Babel is important enough that I want I always want to load
> it.
> Due to the exists of org-export-default-language there is's always a
> replacement for AUTO.
> Let's consider an example: 
> 1. Say, org-export-default-language is "en".
> 2. In my document #+LANGUAGE: fr.  Using this patch AUTO is replaced
>    by 'french' when I have a LANGUAGE-cookie.  When no LANGUAGE is
>    present, it defaults to org-export-default-language.  Thus, I only
>    load one language and I can have a more general
>    org-latex-default-packages-alist.
>> * ox-latex.el (org-lat ex-guess-babel-language): use language
>> if is not in =`org-latex-inputenc-alist'=.
> Let's just continue the example above, but suppose I now want to write
> a German document.
> For instance with German there is both german and ngerman, and
> apparently a germanb.  Through the LANGUAGE-cookie I can only get
> ngerman (de-de) and germanb (de).  But I might want to get german for
> whatever reason.  So I might try
> #+LANGUAGE: german
> Currently it's discarded.  But why not just pass it along when the
> value of LANGUAGE is not in org-latex-babel-language-alist and assume
> I know what I am doing?
>> * ox-latex.el (org-latex-guess-babel-language): retain case in final
>> regexp of function.
> Needed for AUTO to replacing everything with uppercase.
> I hope the above makes the purpose of the patch clear.  I'll try to
> write better change logs in the future.
>> Behavior changes:
>> 1.  =("AUTO" "babel" t)= works like ("AUTO" "inputenc" t) in
>>      =`org-latex-default-packages-alist'=. I.e. the default
>>      language is choosen (sic).
>> 2. if #+LANGUAGE: mylang then then \usepackage[mylang]{babel} in
>>      outpu (sic). 
> This message in five line. . .  

That's much clearer. Do I understand correctly that your patch does not change
anything for people who don't use AUTO for Babel in their

Best regards,

Sebastien Vauban

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