Rasmus wrote:
> "Sebastien Vauban" <sva-n...@mygooglest.com> writes:
>> Rasmus wrote:
>>> 1.  As far as I remember, if more than one language is loaded the
>>> order is not neutral one one should issue a \selectlanguage{LANG}.
>> If there are multiple languages, the main language is the latest loaded; that
>> is `english' in the following example:
>>     \RequirePackage[frenchb,english]{babel}
> So if a #+LANGUAGE: LANG cookie is present I guess it should be loaded
> last.  Or a \selectlanguage{LANG} should be issued.
> Non-rigorous testing suggests that it will do the former now on master
> and thus presumably also in the patch.

AFAICT, this is so since a while. Nicolas implemented the above described
behavior months ago...

See http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/2012-06/msg00387.html.

Doesn't that work for you already in Org core as it is?

Best regards,

Sebastien Vauban

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