Rasmus <ras...@gmx.us> writes:

> "Sebastien Vauban" <sva-n...@mygooglest.com>
> writes:
>>> Does it work reliably?
>> You need the code blocks to be wrapped into comments for it to work.
>> Regarding reliability, it does work well on small examples. I remember having
>> had really bad results with my huge .emacs file, but hadn't any time to debug
>> the problem -- try to reproduce -- at that time.
>> So, when you do it, please keep a backup of your original Org file. It's
>> safer.
>> But, if there are bugs, they should be clearly identified, and fixed...
> It not always good at finding its way back into the Org file, and I
> found that some of the header arguments didn't 'work properlyø for
> 'complicated' blocks.  I'll see if I can make reproducible examples
> later.
> It's definitely a potentially cool feature though.  Notice you have to
> run it from the tangled file.
Absolutely - especially debugging code (in my case R) would be easier.


> –Rasmus

Rainer M. Krug

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