Dnia 2013-05-29, o godz. 17:30:23
SabreWolfy <sabrewo...@gmail.com> napisał(a):

> Hi Marcin,
> Marcin Borkowski <mbork <at> wmi.amu.edu.pl> writes:
> > Just my two cents: some time ago I had a problem with Org (not the
> > exporter, it was MobileOrg), and I was advised to install the newest
> > Org (8.0).  I was a bit afraid, but it turned out that the
> > installation went /very/ smoothly.  And since the 8.0 has the new
> > exporter, I'd suggest you switch, too.  (I used Elpa, but I was
> > told that installing from git repo is as easy as that, too.)
> I was holding off updating to Org 8, but I might do that first, as
> your experience was a good one. My concern regarding updating was
> more related to the long list of "gotchas" on the website about
> version 8 and functionality changes.

Well, there might be a few rough edges, but I guess that the quality of
the new exporter might overweigh them (I don't know for sure, I don't
use Org exporter /at all/).

Also, I started with updating my Emacs to 24.3, though it was probably
not strictly necessary - but it made using Elpa easier than with v23
(it was possible then, but in v24 it Just Works™ out of the box).


Marcin Borkowski
Adam Mickiewicz University

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