Max Mikhanosha <> writes:

> Hi All,
> I've been writing some documentation in OrgMode with screenshots, and
> as with any screenshot taking, it takes a while to get one just right.
> A few tiny helper utilities, quickly snowballed into this :-) It may
> need some cleanup, but IMHO its too awesome not to share it with the
> list.
> To try it out, you'll need /usr/bin/scrot which is available as
> "scrot" package on most distributions.

Cool. Can you make this a bit portable. On Mac OSX, the utility is
called screencapture, and can be run with the same flags. Here is a
piece of code that was published earlier with a sample use.

| #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
|   (defun paste-clipboard-to-file (&optional filename temp-dir)
|     "Take a screenshot using the crosshairs and saveit to FILENAME,
|     if it is given or to a temp file in the TEMP-DIR
|     directory. Then add an orgmode style link at point."
|     (interactive)
|     (let* ((temporary-file-directory (or temp-dir "images"))
|            (fname (or filename (make-temp-file "img" nil ".jpg"))))
|       (call-process-shell-command (concat 
|                                     "/usr/sbin/screencapture -s " fname))
|       (insert "\n[[file:" fname "]]")
|       (org-display-inline-images)))  
|   ;;
|   (global-set-key (kbd "C-c p") 'paste-clipboard-to-file)


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