Jonas Bernoulli <> writes:

> Handling of emphasized text is hard-coded in org-element.el. 

I think this is a feature.  It's been discussed a couple of times on
the list and I think Carsten argued that it should be possible to make
custom formats in the buffer; with export there'd be various ways such
as the infamous [[latex:type][link]].

(Links can export whatever however, although it is not a very
ecstatically pleasing solution).

> Wouldn't it be better if bold, underline, ... would all use the same
> parser and interpreter?  I don't see another option that would allow
> custom emphasize styles to be used with org-element.

I guess that's the compromise (mentioned above).  You can use the
emphasis-alist for something crazy if you so desire.  But I guess the
org syntax as defined by org-element is 'fixed'.  And that's probably
also OK.


When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir?

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