Hi, I've got a small test case which I believe is a bug:
$ cat t1.sql PRAGMA foreign_keys=OFF; BEGIN TRANSACTION; CREATE TABLE t1(id integer,product text); INSERT INTO "t1" VALUES(1,'apple pie'); INSERT INTO "t1" VALUES(2,'sugar'); COMMIT; sqlite3 test.sqlite < t1.sql #+BEGIN_SRC sh echo "ID|product" sqlite3 test.sqlite " SELECT * from t1; " #+END_SRC #+RESULTS: | ID | product | | | 1 | apple | pie | | 2 | sugar | | Why are there three columns exported? Tested with Org-mode version 8.0.3 (release_8.0.3-114-gab3f45 @ /home/user/org-mode/lisp/) on GNU Emacs (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.6.4) of 2013-05-13 on myhost? Is it also possible to produce a separator line in the results table? I tried a couple of variations, but nothing worked: echo "|-" echo "-----+----" echo "|-----+----|" I have a couple of csv tables now which are imported with a src block like this: #+BEGIN_SRC sqlite :db test.sqlite :exports none :results silent PRAGMA foreign_keys=off; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1; CREATE TABLE t1(id INTEGER, product TEXT); .import t1.csv t1 #+END_SRC But it would be really nice to maintain these data in org tables and convert them on fly maybe just in memory. I couldn't figure out how to achieve this. Has anybody a sample? -- Best, Oliver