>>> \[ x = y
>>>          +1 \]
>>> \[ x = y
>>>          + 1 \]
>> This is to be expected. In the second case, the second line defines
>> a list item, which has precedence over any LaTeX snippet.
> Okay, I realised it was switching to the itemise environment, but I
> didn't know it took precedence over the latex environment.

Technically, this is a latex fragment, not a latex environment (which is
what I suggested to use). The difference is that the former is inline
(i.e. it is contained in a paragraph) whereas the latter isn't.
Non-inline elements always have precedence over inline ones.

>>> \[ x = \begin{array}{cc}
>>>       y & u \\
>>>       z & v
>>> \end{array} \]
>>> \[ x =
>>>    \begin{array}{cc}
>>>       y & u \\
>>>       z & v
>>>    \end{array} \]
>> I think this is because of a limitation on the number of lines a LaTeX
>> snippet can span across (IIRC, 3 is the maximum).
> Maybe, but I see the same problem with the following two line example
> \[ x =
>    \begin{array}{cc} z & v  \end{array} \]

I see. This should be fixed. Thanks for insisting.

>> In both cases, I suggest to use LaTeX environments instead:
>>   \begin{equation*}
>>   x = y
>>   + 1
>>   \end{equation*}
> Yes, I tried that, but as I understand it I need to
> \usepackage{amsmath} to access the latex equation* environment.  But
> then I get an error about "Command \iint already defined."  I tried
> the solution described at
> http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=alreadydef, but it
> didn't work for me.

A package is conflicting with "amsmath", probably "wasysym". Try to add
"nointegrals" option to "wasysym" in `org-latex-default-packages-alist'.


Nicolas Goaziou

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