Marvin Doyley <> writes:

> Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "Invalid image file name `nil'")
>   signal(error ("Invalid image file name `nil'"))
>   error("Invalid image file name `%s'" nil)
>   image-type(nil png nil)
>   create-image(nil png nil :pointer arrow)
>   apply(create-image nil png nil (:pointer arrow))
>   (let ((image (apply (quote create-image) file (quote png) nil args))) (setq 
> doc-view-current-image image) (insert-image image (concat "[" file "]") nil 
> doc-view-current-slice))
>   doc-view-insert-image(nil :pointer arrow)
>   (let ((beg (point))) (doc-view-insert-image (nth (1- page) 
> doc-view-current-files) :pointer (quote arrow)) (put-text-property beg 
> (point) (quote help-echo) doc-view-current-info))
>   (let ((len (length doc-view-current-files))) (if (< page 1) (setq
> page 1) (if (> page len) (progn (setq page len)))) (setq
> doc-view-current-page page doc-view-current-info (concat (propertize
> (format "Page %d of %d." doc-view-current-page len) (quote face)
> (quote bold)) (if doc-view-current-converter-process " (still
> converting...)\n" "\n") (if (and doc-view-current-search-matches (assq
> doc-view-current-page doc-view-current-search-matches)) (progn (concat
> (propertize "Search matches:\n" (quote face) (quote bold)) (let (...)
> (progn ...) contexts)))))) (setq inhibit-read-only t) (erase-buffer)
> (let ((beg (point))) (doc-view-insert-image (nth (1- page)
> doc-view-current-files) :pointer (quote arrow)) (put-text-property beg
> (point) (quote help-echo) doc-view-current-info)) (insert "\n"
> doc-view-current-info) (goto-char (point-min)) (forward-char) (setq
> inhibit-read-only nil))
>   doc-view-goto-page(1)

You seem to have a buggy version of doc-view.el: doc-view-current-files is
not used by doc-view-goto-page in the version that I have, which is the
version bundled with

   GNU Emacs (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.24.10)
   of 2013-04-09

In my version of doc-view-goto-page, there is a comment that says:

|     ;; Update the buffer
|     ;; We used to find the file name from doc-view-current-files but
|     ;; that's not right if the pages are not generated sequentially
|     ;; or if the page isn't in doc-view-current-files yet.

which leads me to believe that you will need to upgrade your version
of doc-view (or perhaps your emacs).


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