Jay Kerns writes: > 1. I set up worg-local-init.el as you recommended and everything goes > smoothly until here: > > ,---- > | Publishing file /home/jay/git/worg/org-hacks.org using > `org-html-publish-to-html' > | Loading cc-langs... > | Symbol's function definition is void: nil > `----
Yes, I get that, too. > Now, I have opened org-hacks.org (with the same emacs -Q as above but > without batch) and it exports successfully to HTML from the > interactive dispatcher. Do you have any idea what the problem might > be? Something in cc-langs that doe not work correctly in batch mode, it fails to define or select the correct fontification function for gawk. In any case, it doesn't happen when you don't export in batch mode and Emacs 23 does not have that problem, interestingly enough… > 2. If I don't do batch but instead publish interactively with M-x > publish-worg, the org-hacks.org error doesn't appear but then near > the end I get > > org-publish-get-base-files: Wrong type argument: stringp, (concat > worg-base "org-contrib/bibtex/") > > I haven't had time to look deeper into this to see what's going on, > but I thought you might like to know. That's a bug in my code. This is used inside a backquoted list in some places and should have a "," prepended there to be evaluated when defining the list. I've fixed it on Worg. > 3. I've been working on that invalid time format problem we've been having > and I think I might have identified where the problem is. I will > write about it in another message. Great, thanks. Regards, Achim. -- +<[Q+ Matrix-12 WAVE#46+305 Neuron microQkb Andromeda XTk Blofeld]>+ Factory and User Sound Singles for Waldorf Q+, Q and microQ: http://Synth.Stromeko.net/Downloads.html#WaldorfSounds