El sáb, 27 abr 2013, Martin decía:

> I'm using the org-mode clocking features (in org-mode 7.9.4) extensively 
> to document how much time I spent with which task and when.
> I wonder how I can export the data (e. g. to MS Excel) for further analysis;
> * time consumed by different projects
> * interruptions and "jumping" from task to task
> * time consumed by tasks with a special tag
> etc.
> I searched the internet and this list, but I did not find any description 
> from someone who has already 
> done that (however I'm quite sure that I'm not the first one with this idea).
> Any hints on how to do it or tutorials/reports from others are welcome.
> Martin

is possible to obtain statistics using a bash
script and plot by gnuplot, an article about it
in Spanish:


and a graph of each month regarding the same
color for each task over a year


soon publish a new article in English...

recently created a public repository with some
bash scripts:




  Osiris Alejandro Gomez (OSiUX) os...@osiux.com.ar
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