On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 10:15:42AM +0300, Dov Grobgeld wrote:
> I often find reference files in org-files and then do the following
> sequence:
> * Press Ctrl-x Ctrl-f
> * Navigate to the requested file by the emacs and completion
> * Press Ctrl-a Ctrl-k to copy
> * Press Ctrl-g to get out of file-open
> * Paste with ctrl-y
> I was wondering if anyone has written code so that pressing [TAB] within a
> file:/ link would do emacs completion in place?

It does that already.  Use C-c C-l to insert a link, when prompted for
the type, say file: RET.  Then you can use the usual emacs completeion
interface to get filename completeion.

What is missing though is completion when editing an existing link.
IMO, that would be a worthy feature request.



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