> I've turned on the debugger, and there is something that I find a bit
> strange. Here are the last few lines.
> ,----
> |   
> load("/var/folders/68/fvntfrw92y50gkk_67rkhsfw0000gn/T/org-export-process77683E90"
>  nil t)
> |   command-line-1(("-l" "/Users/schmitta/.emacs.d/init.el" "-l" 
> "/var/folders/68/fvntfrw92y50gkk_67rkhsfw0000gn/T/org-export-process77683E90"))
> |   command-line()
> |   normal-top-level()
> `----
> Why is it loading the second file first? Shouldn't it load init.el
> first? Is it because of the "after-init-hook"?

Yes, the starter kit waits to load on the after-init-hook so that the
Emacs package system will be fully loaded.  That is why the other file
you load on the command line is loaded first.

Eric Schulte

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