Bastien <> writes:

> Eric S Fraga <> writes:
>> And I've not only given up trying to convert anybody to Emacs, I have
>> also given up trying to explain why a dark background with light text is
>> much better on the eyes.  Too much inertia and bad practices out there
>> unfortunately.
> On this slightly off-topic subject, an oculist told me the dark
> background did not really matter, what matters is the contrast.
> Very high and very low are not good, something inbetween (but
> he could point to a way to quantify this.)

It is indeed all about contrast and the problem is that, in many
environments, the lighting of the environment is significantly lower
brightness than a white background screen.  YMMV, of course ;-)

Note that this is for emitting devices as opposed to reflective
surfaces, such as paper and e-readers, where black on white is better.

Personally, I have problems with my eyes unfortunately and I do need to
configure systems so that I don't end up with headaches every day.

Off-topic but a very important selling point for Emacs, IMO.  It is so
easy to change colour themes and have results that look good in
seconds.  Contrast this with most other software where it is just plain
difficult if not impossible to configure the colours as one would
like.  And org mode works very well with most of the colour themes I
have tried.

Anyway, back to normal programming on this channel! :-)

: Eric S Fraga, GnuPG: 0xC89193D8FFFCF67D
: in Emacs and Org release_8.0-pre-347-g4b139e

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