Aha -- you have to use the :var syntax on the begin_src line, not the params-in-parens syntax on the name line. Your version works:
#+name: example-block #+begin_src sh :var input="" echo "input is $input" #+end_src but this doesn't: #+name: example-block(input="") #+begin_src sh echo "input is $input" #+end_src The doc seems to say it should work the same, in http://orgmode.org/manual/var.html (see "Alternate Argument Syntax"). On Mon, Apr 1, 2013 at 9:45 PM, Eric Schulte <schulte.e...@gmail.com> wrote: > Eric Abrahamsen <e...@ericabrahamsen.net> writes: > > > Gary Oberbrunner <ga...@oberbrunner.com> writes: > > > >> It seems like you can define "procedures" in org-mode and call them > >> from elsewhere, with args. > >> But I'm not sure how well-defined that process is; the documentation > >> is not completely perfect yet I think. Here's one thing I'm trying > >> that seems not to work. > >> > >> I define a "procedure" as a named ref called recorddate with two args, > >> ver and order. The idea is I could later call that with different > >> values of those args. > >> > >> #+NAME: recorddate(order="desc") > >> #+BEGIN_SRC sql :exports none :colnames no :results scalar > >> select Event.CreatedAt from Event join MachineInfo as MI on > >> Event.MachineInfoId=MI.Id > >> where Event.CreatedAt is not NULL order by CreatedAt $order limit 1; > >> #+END_SRC sql > >> > >> (BTW, I really like how $ vars are substituted into SQL. Nice.) But > >> when I try to call it like this: > >> > >> * earliest record is call_recorddate(ver="'.'", order="asc") > >> or like this: > >> #+CALL: recorddate(ver="'.'", order="asc") > >> > >> and I try to export as LaTeX (or anything), I get > >> org-babel-ref-resolve: Reference 'recorddate' not found in this buffer > >> > >> Is this supposed to work? > > > > Yes, your example should work. From the "Evaluating code blocks" > section of the Org-mode manual. > > ,---- > | It is also possible to evaluate named code blocks from anywhere in an > | Org mode buffer or an Org mode table. Live code blocks located in the > | current Org mode buffer or in the "Library of Babel" (see *note Library > | of Babel::) can be executed. Named code blocks can be executed with a > | separate '#+CALL:' line or inline within a block of text. > `---- > > There is no need to load code blocks in the same buffer into the library > of babel. > > This example works for me evaluating code blocks in the same buffer > using call lines. > > > > When I export this to e.g., html I get the following. > > > ** ** > Call Example > > echo "input is $input" > > Here's a simple call using a named argument. > > input is foo > > It also works with a positional argument. > > input is bar > > Date: 2013-04-01T19:39-0600 > > Author: > > Org <http://orgmode.org> version 7.9.3f with > Emacs<http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/>version 24 > Validate XHTML 1.0 <http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=referer> > > > The call lines are replaced with their results as part of the export > process. > > If the above doesn't work for you, then I imagine something is wrong > with your install. > > -- > Eric Schulte > http://cs.unm.edu/~eschulte > > -- Gary