Jude DaShiell <jdash...@shellworld.net> writes:

> newsticker has been part of emacs since 22.x and it's supposed to be 
> able to read rss feeds and display them.  Now, how to get from what's in 
> info newsticker to actually adding a real feed and have newsticker work 
> is another matter entirely.  I'm reading what's in info newsticker and 
> don't yet fully understand where to store the feed and specifically what 
> commands need be used to add feeds and delete feeds from a feeds list 
> yet.
> On Wed, 27 Mar 2013, Samuel Loury wrote:

I tried it a few days ago, and it worked right of the box. It even
includes a few feeds you can start with. The customize-group for
newsticker was all I needed.

The problem was when I tried to import the hundred-blog opml file, which
it did fine. However, due to the threaded nature of emacs, it froze
emacs for a long time as it went and called each blog. Perhaps async.el
can help here. In any case, it made emacs quite unusable. Shame, cuz
it's a nice setup for rss reading.

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