Fabrice Popineau <fabrice.popin...@supelec.fr> wrote:

> Lately I have seen many people reporting to be afraid of Gnus configuration.
> There is nothing to be afraid of there. It is a bit like Org : you 
> can keep it simple and short or very long and complex.
> Gnus is definitely the best mail/news/(rss) reader I have used.
> But there are 2 big drawbacks for me:
> - Emacs is not multi-threaded and if you use Gnus heavily, it is painful
> not being able to type in a window while Gnus is sorting out your stuff

I don't use Gnus for anything other than news (and I read very little of
that nowadays). But I'm on IRC using ERC and I run a second emacs
instance just for that, while my main instance is where I live most of
the time: maybe a second emacs instance would work for your use case?

> - I wish Emacs to be able to actually render HTML in a buffer (w3m not 
> a valid option under Windows at least)

Under Linux, w3m is usable (just barely) but like all text browsers, it
works better with text-heavy pages without too many bells and whistles:
certainly not a substitute for a full-blown browser. Re: Windows - the
web page says it's available on Windows (with Cygwin): is that not true?


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