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On 27/03/13 13:18, Andreas Röhler wrote:
> Am 27.03.2013 12:48, schrieb Nick Dokos:
>> Andreas Röhler <andreas.roeh...@easy-emacs.de> wrote:
>>> Am 27.03.2013 10:27, schrieb Andreas Leha:
>>>> Andreas Röhler <andreas.roeh...@easy-emacs.de> writes:
>>>>> Am 26.03.2013 16:31, schrieb Eric Schulte:
>>>>>> Achim Gratz <strom...@nexgo.de> writes:
>>>>>>> Am 26.03.2013 13:37, schrieb Eric Schulte:
>>>>>>>> This can be done system wide by setting the language-specific header 
>>>>>>>> arguments.
>>>>>>> I've yet to see an example on how to do this.
>>>>>> #+begin_src emacs-lisp (setq org-babel-default-header-args:R '((:session 
>>>>>> .
>>>>>> "org-R"))) #+end_src
>>>>>> #+RESULTS: | (:session . org-R) |
>>>>>> #+begin_src R x <- 1 x #+end_src
>>>>>> #+RESULTS: : 1
>>>>>> #+begin_src R x #+end_src
>>>>>> #+RESULTS: : 1
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> this looks very confusing for me.
>>>>> So, what is the purpose of a named session? Understood it being a 
>>>>> name-space, whose
>>>>> values don't affect the other ones. What's in python-mode a dedicated 
>>>>> shell.
>>>> I can't speak for python, but in R, every differently named session will 
>>>> run within its
>>>> own R process.
>>>> The cool thing is, that I can work on file_foo.org and file_bar.org 
>>>> simultaneously, when
>>>> file_foo.org uses R-session *foo* and file_bar.org uses R-session *bar*.
>>>> [...]
>>>> Regards, Andreas
>>> Okay, that's the expected usage. How do you read the example displayed?
>>> Looks like a named (:session . "org-R") affects global R namespace.
>>> What did "org-R" say here, what might be the purpose?
>>> Assume it should switch it on. Then "org-R" represents a boolean here?
>> "org-R" is the name of the session. The code blocks illustrate that the 
>> value of x (set in
>> the first code block) is preserved and can be used in the second (and 
>> subsequent) code
>> blocks.
>> Nick
> Okay, so the :session argument must not be repeated?
> i.e. doesn't look like a session, resp. not a named session
>>>>>> #+begin_src R x <- 1 x #+end_src
> Once a named session "org-R" is started all non-sessioned source goes there? 
> Looks like a
> broken namespace.

Isn't it the same with all header arguments? when they are set file wide, they 
are used for the
source block unless specified otherwise.



- -- 
Rainer M. Krug, PhD (Conservation Ecology, SUN), MSc (Conservation Biology, 
UCT), Dipl. Phys.

Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology
Stellenbosch University
South Africa

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