Just tried doing my first ODT export while booted into Windows and don't have the zip utility that Org is looking for. From searching, this thread suggests Info-zip: - http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/43994
But it's not clear to me what was installed there. If you check out the sourceforge repo, there's WiZ and a Zip 3.x (latest) which seem to be the most promising candidates: - http://sourceforge.net/projects/infozip/files/ I downloaded both. WiZ gives me a WiZ.exe file, but I'm not sure if that's what worked for Sebastian in the thread (rename zip.exe and add to path? Or did he compile the Zip 3.x stuff -- there's no executables in that download from what I saw). Trying to run WiZ.exe --help opens a GUI, so I'm not sure this is the command line utility that Org is looking for... Anyone else been through the setup process? I don't use Cygwin, nor do I want to set it up. I use Windows only when absolutely necessary, so minimal time investment for setup is my goal. Thanks for any suggestions! John