-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 On 26/03/13 01:46, Eric Schulte wrote: > Michael Gauland <mikely...@no8wireless.co.nz> writes: > >> Andreas Röhler <andreas.roehler <at> easy-emacs.de> writes: >> >>> Would find it more natural if ":session" is the default, while a command >>> "refresh" makes a >>> new one. >> > > Header argument defaults are easy to accomplish on a per user or per file > basis, just customize > the `org-babel-default-header-args' variable. > > ,----[org-babel-default-header-args] | org-babel-default-header-args is a > variable defined in > `ob.el'. | Its value is ((:noweb . "yes") | (:session . "none") | (:results > . "replace") | > (:exports . "code") | (:cache . "no") | (:hlines . "no") | (:tangle . > "no") | (:padnewline > . "yes")) | | | Documentation: | Default arguments to use when evaluating a > source block.
Question from here: I use mainly R and have there set file wide #+PROPERTY: session "R-session" But I also have bash code, which would be evaluated in the R session, unless I use #+begin_src sh :session sh-session ... #+end_src But I do not need a session for the bash code blocks - so would :session "none" disable session for this source block? This would be great! Also: it would be quite nice if one could set the session argument specific for languages, so that I could file wide #+PROPERTY: R-session "R" #+PROPERTY: sh-session "sh" but the default for all un-specified languages would be no sessio use. Is there a possibility to do it? Cheers, Rainer > | | [back] `---- > - -- Rainer M. Krug, PhD (Conservation Ecology, SUN), MSc (Conservation Biology, UCT), Dipl. Phys. (Germany) Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology Stellenbosch University South Africa Tel : +33 - (0)9 53 10 27 44 Cell: +33 - (0)6 85 62 59 98 Fax : +33 - (0)9 58 10 27 44 Fax (D): +49 - (0)3 21 21 25 22 44 email: rai...@krugs.de Skype: RMkrug -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux) Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://www.enigmail.net/ iQEcBAEBAgAGBQJRUWaZAAoJENvXNx4PUvmCdEYH/RBXokBJsbPp9bFK/9IRv5k9 xxpkTClUlUBgfKOjQIDCUxkQ53iyuhdGXkM5d9CNXi0VrOEU8lAsEKscyJBaDEMY 6bcfT6TgULw53uOL42dpwfh+dw/URyCyCI4TY+IazRQ80eR4GZVcTNNSKwwjoZmJ b5PUFX1f5qtiS4oxC91GqBWujLSDrQS0sLMOUG7UYXTv2UJNTKWphyw7srdXakA+ A7fvl4lEnpX2sXbi8YJCvmICW1k3L1KcMkM1RSx2TbOLFxfEbc2mHQew6UganHG2 Ww+DeBqT197TJ7sUF6vMPAIs4r7Hu/Nwm7jsYdANFe6QgKHVbCvsv+SRSV4v5nY= =ei0N -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----