Hi, I am reading Bastien's writeup about upgrading to 8.0. There I see this part:
#+SETUPFILE: myfile -> #+INCLUDE: "myfile" However, if I do this replacement, one of the purposes of #+setupfile no longer works. The idea was to be able to have a file with lines like #+TODO and #+TAGS, so that some central file specific setup is possible in this way. In particular, when a file is loaded and scanned for setup information, files defined by #+setupfile will be parsed as well. This still works currently, but I read Bastien's document as an intention to remove this property? Or to at least no longer treat such files as include files during export? I have tried, and #+include files are *not* scanned for setup information. I would like to know what the plans are here. Thanks. - Carsten