Julien Cubizolles <j.cubizol...@free.fr> writes:

Hi Julian:

> That's very disappointing, org-caldav was the best tool I found to
> have an efficient interaction between my Phone and org. Mobile-org is
> great but unless I'm mistaken it doesn't provide the traditional grid
> view of a calendar like the widget one can get for a Google calendar.

Mobileorg can sync (bi-directionally) with the native calendar system of
your Android device which in turn sync with Google. You can use any of
the Android calender apps that support the native Google calendar system
to view/add/modify. For example I use aCalendar and the "Executive
Assistant" widget.



"MSDOS didn't get as bad as it is overnight -- it took over ten years
of careful development."
(By dmegg...@aix1.uottawa.ca)

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