I haven't been able to find a combination of options to do this, any ideas?

I use org extensively for note-taking in my classes.  What I would
like is to have the following, preferably while typing allthough after
the fact would do:

* headline one is a short one :tag1:tag2:
* headline two is the next section, and is quite a bit longer :tag2:
  then the one before it, and wraps around into a full paragraph
** sub headline two is also pretty long, and instead of        :tag2:
   continuing on into a very long headline it also wraps, and
   indents to match the headline level

Where things flow like this: (-- indicates a progression of typing on
the same line )

* :tag1:tag2:
* some text, this pushes tags out :tag1:tag2:
* some text, this pushes tags out. as I add more text :tag1:tag2:
 *  eventually things reach the fill column (text +tags),  and the
:tag1:tag2:<fill col>
    text wraps around leaving the tags hanging out with the headline

Subhan Michael Tindall | Software Developer
| s...@rentrakmail.com
RENTRAK | www.rentrak.com | NASDAQ: RENT

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