After being able to build again,
I cannot export now.

In my .emacs I have

;; using the new exporter
(define-key org-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-e") 'org-export-dispatch)

When I try to export with
C-c C-e 
I get a window with the menu for the export commands,
and a prompt
Export command:
in the bottom line (minibuffer window)
When I then press 
h (one of the highlighted keys)
the shortcut keys listed under the 
Export to HTML item become highlighted (red)
and when I then press
which should export to html and open the file
the minibuffer displays
Symbol's function definition is void: org-export-blocks-preprocess

The same problem occurs for any other export option I tried.

How can I make things work again?

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