At Tue, 12 Mar 2013 13:45:27 +0100,
Bastien wrote:
> Hi Darlan,
> Darlan Cavalcante Moreira <> writes:
> > That is another nice feature of org-mode I didn't know about.
> I just documented it in the manual, thanks!
> > I set the variable to 'error now..
> >
> > Any reason why nil is the default?
> IMO setting it to non-nil would be too intrusive for
> most users.

That is true, but in this case I think it is a good thing, specially for
new users. I have edited some invisible part by mistake in the past, but
because I saw my mistake I could undo until the buffer was not marked as
modified anymore (I save a lot, therefore this was enough). Nowadays I'm
always careful to avoid this, but having org-mode do that for me gives me
some piece of mind that I won't mess with my precious org-mode files by

In my case I don't think I'll ever need to edit invisible text by hand. The
only time I edit invisible text is when performing some search and
replacement in some region containing folded subtrees (or in the whole
buffer), but this works even org-catch-invisible-edits is set to error,
which is great for me.

I don't know which option would be a better default, but I think nil is not
the one (unless there is some performance loss I didn't see due to the


> -- 
>  Bastien

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