Thank you for writing that, Scott. On 3/10/13, Scott Randby <> wrote: > Last September, I attended a talk given by the lead developers of a > prominent free software project. One of the developers spoke about the > importance of maintaining a friendly community that does not drive > people away. In particular, the developer emphasized that the > community is more important than the code. > > The org community has been wonderful since I've started using org. My > questions on even the most basic matters have been answered with > respect and clarity. Even though I'm a mere user of org, I've never > hesitated to participate in a discussion on the mailing list. > > However, I am concerned about the future of org. There is one > individual who is poisoning the atmosphere by engaging in unfair and > unfounded name calling that simply should not be included in messages > to this list. Now this person wants to take some of their > contributions out of org. The developer of the talk I attended called > this tactic "hostage taking" and said that it is better for the > community to let hostage takers go their own way. The project and > community are more important than the code. The code can be written by > others, or the community can decide to go in a different > direction. Giving in to hostage takers leads to more hostage taking > and the decline of the project. > > Many of the users of org find it to be irreplaceable. We don't want to > see org fall apart because of dissension in the community. I'm not > saying that we shouldn't have dissent and disagreement. No, those are > essential for a vigorous and healthy project. It is hateful and > untruthful personal attacks that we should not accept no matter how > significant the code contributions of those making the attacks. > > Scott Randby > >
-- The Kafka Pandemic: The disease DOES progress. MANY people have died from it. It attacks MANY body systems. ANYBODY can get it. There is NO hope without activist action. This means YOU.