"Loyall, David" <david.loy...@nebraska.gov> writes:

> FWIW, I believe that the org-mode community should do what we can to
> oblige Jambunathan's request, even if/when we're not legally required
> to do so.  I think that we should do the same for any human who wants
> to withdraw from an endeavor.  (Don't each of you feel that your code
> is a part of you?)
> Supposing that the group agrees that the code should be removed
> somehow, then at that point we can think about the most orderly way to
> do it.  What happens, technically, if we mark it all as deprecated?

I look at it this way.   If I helped build a house for Habitat for
Humanity, then a while later decided I didn't like what they stand for,
do I have the right to go take out the beams I nailed into the


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