Frank Terbeck <> writes:

Hi Frank,

Thank you for the report; however, I'm unsure about the right solution.

There is a problem with the current (eval-when-compile ...) but there
are still warnings when I compile it (with emacs -batch -f batch-byte-compile).

> In org-contacts-db-need-update-p:
> org-contacts.el:169:14:Warning: function `some' from cl package called at
>     runtime
> In org-contacts-filter:
> org-contacts.el:211:37:Warning: function `some' from cl package called at
>     runtime
> In org-contacts-test-completion-prefix:
> org-contacts.el:373:12:Warning: function `find-if' from cl package called at
>     runtime
> In org-contacts-complete-name:
> org-contacts.el:445:71:Warning: function `remove-duplicates' from cl package
>     called at runtime

Those warnings disapear if I simply (require 'cl) at toplevel but it
triggers this warning:

> org-contacts.el:40:1:Warning: cl package required at runtime

@All: Can I use (require 'cl) and ignore the warning or is there better


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