Hello, First of all, if this question has been answered before or I should direct it elsewhere then please let me know. I've spent some time researching and experimenting, but I'm new to Emacs so I may well have overlooked something obvious.
I'm trying to get org-protocol working, and I've hit a snag that I'm hoping is something basic that I'm missing. I've followed the instructions on the web (http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/org-protocol.html). However, when I launch Emacs with a command-line argument consisting of an org-protocol command then Emacs treats it as a filename rather than a command. For example, if I run: \emacs-24.2\bin\emacsclientw.exe org-protocol:/store-link:/ www.google.com/Google Then I see in my buffer list that I'm editing a file called "C:\trash\org-protocol:/store-link:/www.google.com/Google" (or whatever). I'm using Emacs 24.2, M-x org-version reports version 7.8.11, and all I've got in my init.el is: (server-start) (require 'org-protocol) I believe that's all I need as org-protocol is included in 24.2 by default. Is there some special command that I'm missing that instructs Emacs that an argument should not be treated as a filename? Or is my problem more complex than that? Many thanks for any guidance you can give -- I'm a little new to all this. Cheers, Stu