Harum Budi <harumb...@gmail.com> writes:

> I was not being clear at all, sorry. Let me rephrase, but bear with me as
> English is my secondary language.

That's fine!

I think I understand what you want.  My view would be to avoid having
two files, an org one and a ledger one, and instead combine them into an
org file.  You could create log capture templates for different kinds of
activities and one of these could be financial.  This latter one could
create a ledger src block that is automatically tangled to the full
ledger file consisting of all such entries.  This is why I showed the
ledger src blocks in my previous email.

A financial entry could be

| * [2013-03-01 Fri] Bought a sandwich  :food:
|   #+begin_src ledger :tangle "finances.ledger"
|   2013/03/01 Bought a sandwich
|     expenses  £3.50
|     cash
|   #+end_src

or something similar...  You could still grep on headings but actually
tag searching would be better of course.

Just a thought.
: Eric S Fraga, GnuPG: 0xC89193D8FFFCF67D
: in Emacs and Org release_7.9.3f-1313-g7d4812

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