Harum, I am not entirely sure what you are asking. I use ledger with org all the time to track my finances. I use babel for this so have entries that look like this:
#+name: expenses #+begin_src ledger :noweb yes <<expenses-car>> <<expenses-council>> <<expenses-credit-cards>> <<expenses-insurance>> <<expenses-taxes>> <<expenses-utilities>> #+end_src and then have individual blocks for each of these sub-items. I then also have something that brings everything together, including expenses (as noted above), income, etc.: #+name: assets #+begin_src ledger :cmdline -V -s bal assets :results output :noweb yes <<commodity-prices>> <<opening-balances>> <<income>> <<savings>> <<expenses>> #+end_src I use :noweb to allow me to build up the complete ledger file. HTH, eric -- : Eric S Fraga, GnuPG: 0xC89193D8FFFCF67D : in Emacs and Org release_7.9.3f-1199-g3a0e55