Hi, Sorry for not replying earlier, I've been in a mode where I let my orgmode mail accumulate.
Rasmus writes: > I have changed the following objects: > > 1. Make keys sane; no reason why open pdf is O rather than o and why > k is used in place of l (as in the tex exporter). Yes, it's nice to be consistent with the other exporters. Keys were chosen when latex export was not hierarchic, so keys had to be disjoint. > 2. Added AFTER_CLOSING and AFTER_LETTER keywords for arbitrary code > after \closing{.} and \end{letter}, respectively. > a. A weird bug I don't understand is why I cannot have > #+AFTER_CLOSING{\ps{ps:}} > b. Would it be better to have a dedicated, say, PS and ENCL rather > than the generic AFTER_CLOSING? As the order matters, as said in some replies, I prefer the AFTER_CLOSING approach. > 3. Added from-bank, invoice and other keywords like that. Still > many to go, but some of them would probably need some thought. > For instance firstfoot should work differently depending on > whether it is given a NAMEd table or a string. Any though? I rely on an lco for that. To give you an idea of my setup, here it is. A letter starts like this: #+BEGIN_SRC org #+latex_class: my-letter-fr #+lco: InriaRennesFR #+title: Lettre de Recommandation pour ... #+opening: ~ #+closing: ~ blah blah #+END_SRC My latex class looks like this: #+BEGIN_SRC elisp (add-to-list 'org-latex-classes '("my-letter-fr" "\\documentclass\[% DIV=14, fontsize=10pt, parskip=half, subject=untitled, backaddress=true, fromalign=right, fromemail=true, fromphone=false\]\{scrlttr2\} \[DEFAULT-PACKAGES] \[PACKAGES] \[EXTRA]")) #+END_SRC (I realize writing this that it is ugly: some should go in the lco file. I just hacked this until it worked.) Finally, my lco file #+BEGIN_SRC latex \ProvidesFile{InriaRennesFR.lco} \usepackage[french]{babel} \usepackage{xltxtra} \setkomavar{fromname}{Alan Schmitt} \setkomavar{fromaddress}{Projet ...\\Company} \setkomavar{place}{blab bla} \setkomavar{date}{le \today} \setkomavar{signature}{\includegraphics[width=2.5cm]{AlanSig}\\Alan Schmitt} \KOMAoptions{fromlogo=true,foldmarks=off,subject=left,addrfield=false} \setkomavar{fromlogo}{\includegraphics[width=59mm]{somelogo}} \@addtoplength{firstfootvpos}{-2cm} \setkomavar{firstfoot}{\includegraphics[width=4cm]{another logo}} \setkomavar{fromemail}{alan.schmitt@...} \endinput #+END_SRC I found that with this setup I can quickly write a letter. If someday I need letters with a different setup, I just need to change the lco. Alan